About Us
SEEO Succeeds with Sutdents of ALL Learning Styles
- SEEO's safe and professional learning center is distinctly different in appearance and feel from traditional schools.
- SEEO students have the flexibility to schedule twice-weekly meetings that work within their own schedule so they can work on a manageable number of subjects.
- SEEO students can focus on specific subjects within a shorter passage of time.
- SEEO students looking to improve their college prospects can now take honors classes.
- SEEO students can attend the SEEO Satellite at their home school of residence, giving them even more flexibility in their education options.
How SEEO Works
- Students attend weekly appointments with their teachers in-person or virtually
- Students use appointment time for asking questions and getting help
- Students complete work independently at home every day
SEEO Believes that Students Learn Most Effectively When
- Students have a caring teacher-mentor who is actively involved, consistent, and positive
- Students take an active role in the learning process
- Students receive feedback on their progress
- Students can access both online and blended learning opportunities that meet their unique life circumstances
Who is SEEO For?
Students on a college or vocational track
Students seeking to set their own pace for learning
Homeschool students
Student athletes
Students working in entertainment